GOLDBOX Spotlight: Ke'Tara Marie — HENDOG MEDIA + DESIGN

This week is Ke'Tara Marie who is a studio director at the CW & a homegrown person from Galveston County who’s doing big things.

1.) What is the best advice you can give someone starting out?

The best advice I would give to anyone, is to research what it is that you wish to pursue. The second thing I would recommend is to learn how to network better. Most people I know, is simply because I had already done research on them prior to meeting them and vice versa. I don't like a lot of small talk and noise, so I'm very intentional about who I know, and also why I want to connect with them. I prefer meaningful relationships/friendships. The other advice I would give is NOT being afraid to ask for help, and don't allow your ego to step in the way of your destiny. There will be plenty of people who will tell you no, or not respond to you...but there's always at least ONE person who is willing to help. You have to find yourself in the right place, at the right time. How do you do that? By working and being great at what you're doing. If you are great, they will find you. Allow yourself to be stretched, and be open to new ideas/possibilities. One of the greatest things I did in my career, was ALLOW myself to be stretched...sometimes to the point of no return. However, that was a lesson within itself. I love being stretched, but not over my sanity. You have to sit and ask yourself, "How far am I willing to be stretched for my destiny?"

2.) What things inspire your process?

I would honestly have to say movies and music. I love music so much, that I added it to my studio at work simply because I needed something to keep me going. I never intended to run my studio at CW like a Daytime show, it really just happened. I have to listen to music everyday, and I listen to it through everything. Music grants me the permission to silence the world around me. I listen to a lot of different genres, because it's just as complex as life. I love movies, because I get lost in them. I like reality, but I prefer to live in La La Land most of the time. I use to get in trouble a lot as a child, cause I was always daydreaming and never paying attention. It's so much better in my opinion, I know that sounds crazy. Anything complex that allows me to go into another Universe, I'm about that life. The last thing is helping people, because I love the art of storytelling. I love hearing other people’s stories, especially about their challenges. I’ve always had a variety of friends. Different cultures and walks of life really inspire me. I believe storytelling is in all three of the aspects that I've given. I hate anything basic or on the surface. I love thinking, especially on extremely deep levels. Anything that allows me to think deeply, inspires me.

3.) Who are three people you look up to or inspire you? 

My mom, daddy and grandmother(s). I count my family as one. They allowed me to write down my life plans, and read them out loud as a child. It’s sort of funny, because everything I wrote down as a child actually manifested when I became an adult.

Niija Kuykendall is a major inspiration to me. She is the Senior VP of Film Production for our parent company Warner Bros. Pictures. I have not met her yet, but I have followed her journey for years since I've been with the CW Network. She's such an amazing role model for young minorities, as well as Black women in the Production industry. She's a major boss with extreme hustle, and I hope to be on that level one day. 

Although I'm not a reporter, I really love the anchor Demetria Obilor. She's currently in Dallas at an ABC station. I love everything she stands for from rocking her natural hair, embracing her curves and overall being herself on TV, while still being professional. She's not afraid to stand up for minorities, which is big to me. Being authentic in this field is what I'm attracted to, and not what/who people want me to be. 

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