GOLDBOX Spotlight: Terrell Johnican — HENDOG MEDIA + DESIGN

This week is Terrell Johnican I knew him when I was at La Marque High School we were in the same organization (Marqued Impressions) now he’s an adviser to first generation low income students, college graduate, alumni of University of Houston, & is the author of Fresh Air Inspirations blog.

1. What is the best advice you can give someone starting out?

Believe in yourself and the process. I think nothing good truly comes easy. I comes with a vision and determination. You have to build a foundation to stand on before anything and that takes time. There may be times where you think it's impossible or you're ready to quit, but you must stick in there. Trust me, the victory will be so much sweeter when you look back and see what you went through to get there. 

2. What things inspire your process?

I've recently learned that the fulfillment of my soul comes in impact. Inspiring others is what inspires me. I want to assist people in becoming a better version of themselves. I just happened to choose the route of education and career development along with some mental health and self-growth. 

3. Who are three people you look up to or inspire you?

My mother, Sonia Johnican, sacrificed and went through so much to raise me and become the man I am today. The struggles we've faced and the strength she's had through has always inspired me to break the vicious financial cycle we've had and give back the life of the one that sacrificed her life, (metaphorically) for me. I really can't choose just three, because there are so many people I consider mentors in my life. Shout outs to Ciro Reyes, Rachel Hensley, Brandie Mitchell, Monica Floyd, and many others that kept me moving when I no longer had the energy. The common denominator of this group is they are all educational professionals and they all have played a part in why I chose the path I'm walking now.  

As an adviser and mentor myself, I'm often inspired by the students I wish to inspire as well. I learn from them as they learn from me. 

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