GOLDBOX Spotlight: Jazzmine Duke — HENDOG MEDIA + DESIGN

This week the Goldbox Spotlight is Jazzmine Duke who is an Alumni of Prairie View A & M University, Marching storm,, Majorettes, Marching Storm Black Foxes, & even was a Raiderette in her own right.

What is the best advice you can give someone starting out?

With any career path or choice in life the best thing you can do is be intentional, set goals, write them down and go for it. It's also important to Be patient, stay focused, have determination, and most importantly have FUN. Find your passion and your talent and do something with it so that you can enjoy life while making a living. As a dancer I’ve used all of these tools to be successful. Starting out at a young age, I was always intentional on what it was I wanted to do with my dance career. I went from local competitions, PVAMU Marching Storm Majorettes The Black Foxes, to dancing professionally as a Raiderette for the Oakland Raiders. And I’m not done yet; I’m ready to see what other heights I can climb.

What things inspire your process?

Music definitely inspires me in everything I do. I can’t go a day without listening to music. It’s literally like my medicine. Music just makes me want to get up and move. And I mean what is dance without music!

I am also inspired by that thing in me that won’t let me settle. There’s so much more out there in the world and I’m going for it all.

Who are three people you look up to or inspire you?

First and foremost I look up to my loving and adoring parents. They always gave me the freedom to reach for the stars. They were always there when fell/failed, but never to criticize or ridicule me, but there to offer encouragement words of wisdom, and a slap on the ass to keep going.

Secondly, my three amazing sisters (The Duke Girls)! My hype girls, ride or dies, truth tellers, wing women, dance partners, and just my everything. Knowing that I always have them in my corner gives me so much strength and confidence. We all are in different walks of life but watching them go for their dreams just makes me want to go that much harder.

The third person I look up to are all the people who aren’t afraid of living life and going for their dreams. I enjoy watching my peers experience new things, accomplish goals and not be afraid of what’s out there. Where people can sometimes get jealous, I get hype and inspiration.

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